Chiropractic treatment 02
Whenever someone mentions a chiropractor, many people think of only spinal adjustment, but usually, most people in India don't even know what chiros do or who they are.
Chiropractic treatment, provides much more than just spine adjustment. Drugs and surgery are almost anyone’s first choice after sustaining auto accident injuries, sports injuries, postural impairments etc, the best solution for YOU is a chiropractic doctor who not only specializes in the treatment of such physical traumas, but customises the treatment according to you and your needs.
A chiropractor can provide critical care treatments that are needed for issues such as lumbar strain, intensive cervical pain, postural deviations and many more.
Restoration of the capable mobility of the spine and all the joints in the body is not a cake walk. And most people around you including yourself won't have an idea how to do that ! A good and efficient Chiropractor does ! Afterall, movement is Medicine.
Chiropractors don't induce you with any chemical and it's completely safe. Chiropractic treatment focuses on self healing capabilities of human body
A good and healthy spine is the key to all your pain and worries with it. And with that...comes a good night's beauty sleep. Chiropractic treatment has shown to improve the sleep quality in most of Patients with postural pain
Osteorehab is a center only for you. It's a center for your pain management, you posture correction, your healthy spine, a place to leave you pain and go to work PAINFREE. We assure you to provide one of the best treatment available in India in regards of Chiropractics.
Dr. Rohit Gupta has lots of experience in Chiropractic techniques. He not only focuses on the differential diagnosis of the Patient, but also on the integrated approach of Osteopathy, Chiropractic, PNF and Physiotherapy, which is best suited for the patient.